The bridge across the Nadym River
The bridge across the Nadym River is located on the road from Surgut to Salekhard.
The length of the bridge is 1340m. It has 12x110m span. The width of the carriageway is 10.0m, the road category is III. Also the bridge is designed for one-track railway, II category. The traffic load is A14, H14, the railway traffic load is C14.
The bridge consists of two separate superstructures for road and railway traffic. Railway superstructure consists of continuous steel trough trusses with 6x(2x100)m spans. The deck superstructure is continuous steel beam with orthotropic deck and 110+10x110.75+110m spans.
The piers are made of reinforced concrete. The outermost piers are monolithic and without pile-work gratings, in the foundation there are tubular piles 1420mm in diameter, filled with monolithic reinforced concrete. The intermediate piers are composite, massive, with pile foundation from tubular piles 1420mm in diameter, filled with concrete. The intermediate piers are faced with assembled contour units.
Type of works done: project adjustment, detailed design
Year of completion: under construction