Vladimir Vorsa
Head of Steel Bridges Dept

Laureate of the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Honored Builder of the Russian Federation.
Born in 1941.
In 1964 he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Bridges and Tunnels.
1966–1971 – engineer, senior engineer of the Lengiprotransmost Institute;
1971–1976 - head of the design group of the Lengiprotransmost Institute;
1976–1983 – chief project engineer of the Lengiprotransmost Institute;
1983-1993 – head of steel bridges department of the Lengiprotransmost Institute;
1993-2018 - head of steel bridges department of Transmost OJSC;
since 2018 – head of steel bridges department of Transmost JSC.