Head of Software Development Dept

Valentina Sakharova

Honorary Transport Builder.

Candidate of Technical Sciences.

Born in 1948.

Graduated in 1971 from the Leningrad Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in bridges and tunnels.

Graduated in 1983 from postgraduate school of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering.

1971-1989. - Was engineer, senior engineer, leading engineer in Lengiprotransmost Institute (now Transmost JSC);

1989 - Chief of Design Group in Lengiprotransmost Institute (now Transmost JSC);

1989 - 1996 - Head of Design Group in Lengiprotransmost Institute (now Transmost JSC);

1996-2018 - Head of Software Development Department in Transmost OJSC;

Since 2018. - Head of Software Development Department in Transmost JSC.